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May 17, 2008


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Maggie Frank from Creme

I have been thinking of your family recently and had no idea of what you and Scott had been going through. Thinking of you and praying for you and your family and wondering just how big Cole is now:)
If you need anything - come see or call me at Creme.


Your last paragraph,

"For all those who are also in the valley right now, I want to encourage you that there is a fellowship in suffering and not to forget to give your hurt and sorrow to the One who created you. Watch how He will do miraculous things with it, for you, for those you love and for the kingdom!

He will not leave you in this place, and He will bring about His purposes for your good because you are His!

Believe Him, Trust Him – He loves you! Just as I know He still loves me."

really strikes home with me. I just (about 2 wks ago) lost my son in the womb and had to deliver him stillborn as well. I was 36 wks along and just stopped feeling him move, only to go to the hospital for monitoring and find out he was gone and that I had to deliver.
I too had a miscarriage (at 11 wks) a few years ago (and also have an almost-five year old, like I believe I read you have as well :).
Anyways, the Lord has been incredibly merciful to us and has brought us such amazing peace through this shocking, devastating, sad time. So many people have shared stories and given support and love and prayer that my healing through this loss has been a gift from God. I mourn the dreams of what "could have been" but rejoice in "what will be" when we all reunite in heaven one day.

Thanks for sharing a little about your loss and giving encouragement to those, like me, who are going through it now.

I believe, I trust, and I know He will bring about joy one day from this time of suffering.

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