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August 20, 2008


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Debbie from Ohio

I enjoyed reading this so much! What awesome truth's are in this writing! Thank you for sharing it with us and reminding us of these truth's. God bless

Sarah Skees

Thank you so much. I really needed to hear this. You put it in a way that I've never heard before... in a way that makes so much sense! Wow.

casey chappell

Someone told me about your blog and about your loss this year. I just gave birth to my firstborn son last week and he lived a minute long. It's been really hard but God has been so faithful and good to us. Your words have been very soothing and truth imparting. Thank you for being faithful to write and to be so biblically sound. His word really is the only thing that brings healing and change.
I don't know you but I am grateful to God for you! I linked some of your posts to my blog on the side for others to benefit from if that's okay.
Casey from Raleigh NC

Kerry Hasenbalg

Dear Casey,

I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your precious son! I am so sorry! My heart is grieving for you and I am praying for you! Kerry



I have been reading for a long time, but just never commented. I am always so blessed and encouraged when I read and wow, what a gift of writing you have. Do you read Angie Smith's blog? She is Todd Smith's wife who sings with Selah. When I read hers I think of the loss you have experienced as well. Both of you are walking oh so similar roads and write so beautifully from your heart. You would love each other's blogs. Hers is audreycaroline.blogspot.com. You will weep as you go back and read from the beginning. She lives in Nashville too which is so weird that two very similar people, live so close and might not even know each other. You're a blessings. Praying for your dear family.

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