This blog is concerning the highlights from Beth Moore's Esther study we began last evening. For me they were mostly things which God has shown me experientially in recent years and our sister, Beth Moore, summed them up in the most concise way. Here's some of the things she said (in bold) which really rung very true for me (and in parenthesis I wrote about why these quotes affected me so much):
In speaking about the “realness” of the people of the Word, B.
Moore said, “It’s is just our turn to be residents of planet earth.”
(I have become more and more aware of my own mortality these last few years and it really feels healthy and good for my soul to be so aware. I really love that idea, it's just own turn. Knowing and believing this so deeply has caused me to live even more abandoned to God and his will day by day.)
In talking about great trials, unanswered prayers, and
sensing the absence of God, Moore said:
“What about when the Red Seas doesn’t part? ..."I can’t find Him but I know He’s there and I know He’s at
work. You know that even though you cant see Him just now, you
know that it’s gonna be great when He does show up.”
(And this is exactly why I have remained so hopeful when I cannot see a thing in front of me that feels hopeful. I hope because I now He will show up and because I believe the Word I know it will be amazing.)
Moore said, “Sometimes instead of working miracles, He chooses to work
in and thru the individual in a very 'natural' [and human] kind of way. But perhaps these are the biggest kind
of miracles.”...“Coincidences are miracles in which God prefers to remain
anonymous [at least to the general public]. God never wants to be anonymous in your life – unanimous yes,
but not anonymous.”
(These word were extremely encouraging to me because I have learned to see Him more often and give Him credit more readily - somehow God has shown me that it is Him doing all the good and the more I understand that these tiny little very human things are Him working through me and through other common things and people around me, I end up experiencing Him more often. And when we see Him and don't miss His grace in the mundane and little things, it seems we sense the presence of God we so desperately need to comfort us and see us through.)
In speaking about Moore's experience in her own personal, "Dark Night of the Soul, " and when she couldn't seem to find God, she said, “The Power of Praise is what caused the power of His absence
to break.”
(This is a truth that I can not emphasize enough. Ladies, we must choose to praise Him when it hurts the most and when we can not find anything in the natural that makes us want to praise. Praise is a weapon - a very powerful weapon against depression and desperate sorrow. Sing the Word and watch how your eyes will suddenly open to the presence of the grace of God around you. Every morning for weeks and weeks after the death of Isabella, Scott and I put on praise music in order to battle for the healing of our own souls! In many ways it was perhaps the most powerful tool God gave us to heal and regain our sanity, peace and joy! When it feels like God is most absent in your life and things are so painful you want to die, I implore you to sing praises to Him - just choose it, it will help your soul!)
Moore said, “I believe that I feared this [one thing] so much,[ that] I
think God said, ‘Well, let’s finally get it over with.”
(I would never have taught this as good theology, so I am glad Beth said it instead of me. But the truth is, in so many ways, I feel like she expressed exactly what I have experienced or at least felt I've been going through. I feared losing my next child (after having lost Isabella) more than I had feared anything else in the world. And in some way, it seems that God might have desired to work a similar thing in my life and say a similar thing to me "Let's get it over with so that I can show you that even in the coming to pass of your greatest fear I am with you, my grace is sufficient and your soul will survive." That fear is no longer standing between me and God - now that the thing I feared most was realized, God's peace is able to encompasses me instead of the crippling effect of that fear.)
On finding God's will for our lives, Moore said, “Seek Him and you won’t miss His will.”
(I could have really used this simple statement when I was living as a missionary in Russia in 1994, I was so concerned with not missing God's will for my life as it related to marriage that I read everything I could get my hands on about "Finding God's will for your life." Actually, I read a 400 page (text) book with this very title, cover to cover, that my missions director gave me on the subject. I felt like I desperately wanted to know if God has one specific person or if you can just choose from a number of godly people to marry. The books were of little to no help honestly. It was not until I really sought God in prayer and the Lord reminded me that the most profound things are best seen in that which is most simple. He took me mentally to the relationship between a parent and a child. It was as if God was reminding me about how a parent is very happy to give their wise opinion, but it is necessary for a child to not only ask but to be willing and humble enough to accept their parent's opinion. So, I went before the Lord and said, "I have seen many people with bad marriages and some with good ones. I have no idea what someone will be like years down the road, but you Lord, alone, know what we will all be like in the future. So, Father, I am asking for your opinion and your choice of a husband for me -Someone who you know will continue to seek you and be a good godly leader not only in the beginning but after we go through trials together. Help me not to choose a mate when I am in sin. Help me to hear and see well when you are trying to reveal the right choice for me." That was the gist of the prayer that I prayed. And you know what I am very confident that in this thing I certainly did not miss God's will for me. )
“There are things which go painfully with being a woman.” And “Suffering makes us unite," She said.
(And boy have I seen this in my own life. With those women God has brought across my path or even through this blog and those of other women, how I have found a sort of fellowship with those who have struggled with infertility or lost living children; how so many have sought the Lord for redemption in the loss, beauty from the ashes, or for God to bring other children into their families through adoption or again through their womb. And I believe that although it was suffering that compelled the union, it is not the sorrow that is placed in the center but rather it is the Very Real Grace of the Redeemer, Himself who has been placed in the center of us all)
“Have you lost God?
Remember He hasn’t lost you.”