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March 11, 2010


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Hi Kerry:)

Might just be my computer, but, not able to read this entire post.

Hope you're having a wonderful day, and, enjoying sunshine? :)

naomi cuozzo

How funny... I literally just came from Show Hope and read Scotts blogs!! It is great to see what God is doing there in China! I am also with you regarding the military wives who are without their husbands for a long time! I think about them every time Jeff leaves.

Praying for Kerry and I am so glad that you are having a great time of refreshment! Cannot wait to see you soon!!

cindi m.


I heard the song 'Follow You' this morning and thought about Scott & the medical team.


I was also meditating on compassion itself & how much easier it is to choose not to make a difference because the "big picture" sometimes looks so dire. Then I remembered the modern day parable of the man throwing multiple starfish back into the water, & justifying his actions by saying "It made a difference to that one." And that is the mindset we must have. If we can make a difference in one life, the choice to care is worth the costs.

Love from NC.

kathy naylor

God is keeping the ShowHope team currently in China, before my thoughts and prayers. May He richly reward each of their reunions with family on their return.

Jodi Lewandoski

I can't see it either, but hope you're enjoying your time in FL!

Tricia W.

Thank you for pointing us back to the SH blog. We are so very grateful for that which the team is doing in the name of Jesus. We are the parents of a beauiful cleft affected daughter from China, and people like you and your team cared for her long before we could. She has changed our lives in ways that are unspeakable and deep in our hearts.

Bowale Abimbolu

Oh how good and how blessed it is for brethen to live together in unity; Oh how good is the blessings God gives when we worship Him togather in unity.
Despite the distance of here from there, i tap into the message, well done.

I'm single but I feel the pain of missing a loved one but knowing that i can't see that one as long as i live.

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