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May 10, 2010


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Julie in CA

We just read the same lesson in the Mystery of History this week. Glad God has blessed you this year and you see his hand in homeschooling and the difference it makes.

We have used several of the Apologia science books for Elementary school and loved them. Our favorite has been Botany and Astronomy.


Apologia is great! We enjoyed the "Exploring Creation with Astronomy" this year.


After homeschooling for the past 9 years, I highly recommend Apologia's Exploring Creation series. My children have absolutely enjoyed the Botany, the Zoology, and the Astronomy. Praising the Lord for this new little one on the way. Truly, God provides and gives grace as our families grow and homeschooling grows with it!
All to His Glory!


Your post brings back many good memories of homeschooling. I believe I learned just as much (if not more) than my son!

Enjoy every day... the seemingly mundane ones as well as the difficult ("this stuff is over both our heads!") days. You both are learning/teaching more than you can imagine at this time.

Thank You God for allowing my friend to travel this journey with her children. Thank you for giving her the wisdom, the knowledge, and the patience to do it well. Thank You for allowing Scott to fully support, guide, and participate as the head of this (Your) household. Thank You for allowing us a glimpse into Your Parenting of us, as we also rejoice when our children are receptive learners. Continue to grow us all in Your likeness. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Love from NC.


I put in our family vote for the Apologia books for all ages!


We have homeschooled for 8 years and love the Christian Liberty Press Nature Readers for our younger kiddos. They are simple, but perfect for little ears! You can view sample pages on cbd.com :)


Kerry, I haven't done research on what's best science course, but ive done Apoligia for all my HS and I know that Abby loves it too in grade school. Great course.

Sweet Joni

Hello Kerry ~
Long time no type but sometimes it's that way :) First, Welcome to MN a bit late ha :D Second, so grateful to read that baby in womb is still doing wonderful... that is an Awesome blessing from God!!!

Homeschooling: My step-brother's wife has had 6 children (one died shortly after birth). Anyway, they are all two yrs apart & she has homeschooled them all since the oldest (now 13?) began school.

She LOVES it... their children are the most well-behaved, Christ-like children I know! Very, very precious Children of God!

AND their house is forever sparkling clean!!! I shake my head in AMAZEMENT at this Christian Family not knowing how she does it but only with God's Strength & Courage & her willingness to continue!!!

Best Blessings as you journey thru another year of homeschooling with both your precious children.

God Bless,

Lee Rivera

We live in NYC and my 4 children currently attend public school. My oldest is graduating 5th grade and will be starting J.H. this next semester. I WILL NOT put him in public school around here....we do not live in the greatest neighborhood and I believe it would be detrimental to his growth if I sent him. Anyway I needed to read this and be encouraged and I am. Please pray for the finances for me to do this though. My hubby has been without work and we are in a financially tight position. I believe the Lord has our best interest at heart and will provide according to His perfect will. This blog gave me that glimmer of hope and encouragement towards researching my options. Thx.
Mother of 5 from the Bronx.

Kendall Davis-Volunteer Assistant, Food for Oprhans

That is so great that your first year of homeschooling went so well! It can be such a scary thing, homeschooling your kids, but its definitley rewarding! My mother homeschooled my brother and I when we were in elementary school, and I loved it! I'm watching my sister-in-law homeschool her kids right now, and she and her family are finding so many blessings in it! I am glad you are as well!


Hi Kerry!It's Valia from Irkutsk.It's so great "to find" you again :D
Lena Semeonovna and Ivanka will be so excited to hear about you and you family! Much love to you all!!!


We love Apologia science, too!

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