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November 10, 2011


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Your son has brought tears to my eyes. I have never heard it put so well before. You have one very bright child,as I am sure you know ;)


He is seriously a wise old man in a young kids body!

We love you Cole!! Hope to see you soon.

Naomi and family


The wisdom of Cole always amazes me. What a blessing to read this.

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Wow, that really touched my heart.

Sally McRae

always in awe of the Cole's wisdom; so young, and such a trailblazer for Christ. Thank you for sharing such a precious moment with us. love you Ker,


I like this. Children with no homes and no family is no good at Christmas. But I read an inspiring tale of orphans who found a home.

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oh =( this is so sad... that's why i love sharing what i have to less fortunate ones.


I think everyone should be aware of the millions of children in the world who are alone and suffering.

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"No man is so poor as to have nothing worth giving. Give what you have. To someone it may be better than you dare to think." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In third world countries, orphans are much more common and prevalent. These orphanages are usually overcrowded and underfunded.

According to UNICEF, there are somewhere between 143 & 210 MILLION orphans worldwide.

Let me give you a better visual of these numbers. The United States has a population of 312 million people.

Better yet, that is more orphans then the entire population of Russia (142,914,136 people)...and finally, that is at least 4 times Canada's population at 34,605,346!!!

Every 2.2 seconds, a child turns 18 and must leave the orphanage or foster care where they once found shelter (In some cases the child is under 18 years of age). In some countries, 80% become homeless and many are forced into prostitution in order to survive. Even in some areas in America, over 60% of the children who age out, become homeless.

This is more than mere statistics. These are real children, with real feelings, who desperately need a loving hand.

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Gracias por otro fantástico blog. ¿Dónde más podría obtener este tipo de información por escrito de una manera tan completa incitan? He estado buscando información.

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bloggið þitt er mjög good.It var mjög vel skrifað og auðvelt að skilja. Ólíkt fleiri blogg sem ég hef lesið sem eru í raun ekki gott. Ég fann líka innlegg þitt mjög áhugavert

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Hi!! this is a heartwarming story! there are some times that you don't really know what to do, but as long you will let god be in your heart doing those impossible things is not impossible. I'll be sure to drop by in the church to pray for you and all of us!

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